Sunday, January 04, 2009

Farewell 08, 2009 Bring It!

2008 was a tough year. I was hospitalized twice with some pretty nasty colon issues.P1040337.JPG My job has been kinda crazy with all the fun associated with a merger. I miss my friends, Ernie and Peter, who have went on to greener pastures

But on the bright side I had a great vacation with my wife,

and have been blessed with a great school for my children.

So I have decided that 2009 is going to be a year of the "re-". I am going to rebuild my body, re-tool my skills, and relax my soul.

Look out 2009, I am ready for you.

Christmas 08 recital

Up On The Housetop from Todd Gruben on Vimeo

Chipmonk Christmas from Todd Gruben on Vimeo.